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Tural Alekberli is a Physician and Scientist, Anesthesiologist, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Subspecialist, and Obstetric Anesthesia Subspecialist with degrees of a Doctor of Medicine and Master of Science (MD, M.Sc.). He works as a Staff Anesthesiologist at Edmundston Regional Hospital, Vitalité Health Network, University of Sherbrooke, in Edmundston, Canada. He is a Peer Reviewer of the Journal of Pain Research, an Editor of the Journal of Critical and Intensive Care, and the Research and Practice in Anesthesiology-Open Journal.


He received his MD and M.Sc. titles from the OndokuzMayis University (Turkey) 2013. He started specialty education in 2015 and completed five years of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine Residency Program at Hadassah Medical Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, in 2021. He completed the Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine and the Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowships at the Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, between 2021 and 2023.


During his Fellowship in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, he developed and refined his clinical skills, became a leader in perioperative patient care, and expanded his knowledge in pain medicine. He is proficient in peripheral nerve blocks, fascial plane blocks on upper and lower extremities, and truncal blocks in a single injection and continuous catheter insertion techniques. He has been involved in several research projects in regional anesthesia with his mentors, Dr.Josh Gleicher, Dr.Sharon Peacock, Dr.Naveed Siddiqui, Dr. Jose Carvalho, and presented research projects at ESRA and ASRA Congress as well as World Pain Congress in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Their Research Project in Education received funds from the institution. Their Regional Anesthesia Team was Awarded Collaboration in Education in Excellence in Education Section by the Sinai Health, the University of Toronto, in October 2021. He has been involved in the teaching and exam question preparation of Students of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Toronto, with Dr. Evan Wild, Undergraduate Site Coordinator for Anesthesia.


He was a Chief Fellow in his second year in 2022-2023 as an Obstetric Anesthesia Fellow at Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto. He improved his ultrasound skills in scanning lumbar and thoracic spine for Neuroaxial techniques, providing consultation, formulating plans, managing and prioritizing care for normal parturients and those with significant comorbidities, demonstrating competence in teaching residents, medical students, and other healthcare personnel, and conduct research projects as OB Anesthesia Fellow. He worked on prospective, retrospective, and review studies on Obstetric and Regional Anesthesia and Peripheral Nerve Blocks. He was also invited to run the “Updates in Post Dural Puncture Headache Management” session as a Speaker and co-instructed the ACLS workshop with his mentor, Dr.Naveed Siddiqui, and Dr.Fabricio Zasso, at Toronto Anesthesia Symposium 2023.


Additionally, he has expanded his knowledge in Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) and has been performing PoCUS Cardiac, Lung, Airway, Gastric, and Vascular at Mount Sinai Hospital. He has been involved as a co-instructor of the PoCUS – Gastric workshop at the Toronto Anesthesia Symposium 2022 with his mentor, Dr.Cristian Arzola.


During his Residency Program in Israel, he was involved in several basic and clinical science studies with his mentors. His research was published in many high-impact factor international medical journals (European Journal of Anesthesiology, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Intensive Care Medicine Experimental).  One of his researches (title: The correlation between high-sensitivity troponin-T and cell-free cardiac DNA in the blood of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery) with the leading scientists in the field (Prof.Giora Landesberg, MD,DSc, MBA, and Prof.Yuval Dor ) was approved by the Israeli Medical Council as Thesis of the residency education. Later on, this research was published in the renowned Journal of International Medical Research, Special Issue dedicated to Peripheral Vascular Treatments by SAGE Publications.  


He and his colleague Dr.Leslie Yarmush are the inventors of the novel technique - "A Novel Special-shaped Stylet Technique for Intubation with GlideScope® Video Laryngoscope Devices" which was published in the Journal of Research & Innovation in Anesthesia.  He presented oral and poster presentations at several international Anesthesia Congresses, including the American Society of Anesthesiology- ASA Annual Congress (2017, 2020), European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - Euroanesthesia Congress (2018,2019,2020). He also cleared the European Diploma of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care - I  exam during his residency education.


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